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Zuni River Basin Water Rights Adjudication
New Mexico

In the matter of United States vs. A&R Productions, et. al.
Case #01cv00072 MV/LFG

Relevant Reports and Disclosures

Zuni River Basin
Water Rights Adjudication
New Mexico

In the matter of
United States vs. A&R Productions, et. al.
Case # 01cv00072-BB/ACE

Relevant Reports and Disclosures: Main Case: State of New Mexico


Year 1981
Years 1921-1934
Years 1934-1990
Years 1991-2004


Nutria Irrigation Rehabilitation Plan FY 1972
Ojo Caliente Irrigation Rehabilitation Project FY 1964-69
Irrigation Reports - Census of Irrigation FY 1964-1970
Zuni Projects - Zuni, Nutria, Pescado, Tekapo, Ojo Caliente FY 1923-1935
Rehabilitation and Betterment, Zuni Irrigation Areas FY 1964-68
2011 NRCE Rebuttal Report
Allen P&P Irrigation Report, November 2008
General Superintendent - Cost Report, FY 1942
Water Rights File, Southern Pueblos Agency - TX v. NM
Water Rights File, Southern Pueblos Agency, Irrigation Service Records 1942
Wear, Zuni HSMB Analysis Report, 2010
Engineering Studies of Land and Water Uses

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